DTH Hammer bit Symmetric Overburden Casing Drilling System With Ring Bits high quality
The Prodemo symmetric drilling system is designed to drill and case a hole simultaneously through unstabled
ground conditions. The driver bit incorporated with a satisficial ring or reusable ring makes a full face head design
which significantly improves the penetration rate and hole straightness of drilling. The internal flushing grooves together
with the built-in casing shoes gives a good seal to the button of the drilling hole, and thus minimising the disruption of
the surronding of the drill hole.
Application Range: It is suitable for drilling water wells , geothermal wells , short mircopiles ,medium mini-type grouting
hole of building , dam and harbour project .
1. Ring bit and casing shoe assembly is welded to casing prior to drilling. Lock the assembly into pilot bit with hammer.
The pilot bit's upper shoulder engages the shoulder of the casing shoe.
2. Hammer's percussive energy is transferred through the pilot and ring bits, crushing rock . Part of impact energy advances casing.
3. On completion of drilling and casing , the drill string with pilot bit is retrieved by a slight reverse rotation to unlock the
bayonet coupling . The ring bit stays in the hole , and can be recovered only if the casing is retrieved
4. Drilling continues to the desired depth in the bedrock using a conventional drilling.
Full face head desigh for faster penetration and straighter hole
Less torque is required
Can drilll in vertical, horizotal or any direction
Minimize disruption to the drilled hole
Varied ring bit diameters to suit different casing requirement
Technical Data